Since 2019, we have photographed events across 9 States and 3 Countries!

Meet the Team


Anjeanette is the lead photographer on both sides of the business. She loves taking pictures of the parts of the world that go unnoticed to most.  Her hobbies include creative writing, genealogy, baking and, of course, photography!


Dan is a retired Army helicopter mechanic and pilot, who loves that his drones, again, allow him to view the world from above!  He is skilled in photo and video editing. His hobbies include computers, hiking, crocheting and, of course, photography!!

On the Wind Aerial is unique in that it offers both photos from above and from the ground. We always travel with two photographers but you’ll only pay for one. If aerial is what you desire, Dan flies and Anjeanette takes the photos. If ground is what you desire, Anjeanette and Dan both have cameras and equipment to knock your socks off. If you’d like a mixture, Dan will fly and photograph from above while Anjeanette captures all of your up-close, intimate moments.

OWA will not lead you astray!



OWA 〰️