
You’re ready to book! The hardest part is behind you! Please complete our form and we’ll be in touch within 1 business day! If you are unsure of which package you like best, please select “Undecided,” and we’ll help you select the best option for you! Also, kindly provide any event details or requests in the “Details” field.


For inquiries into our work or availability, please use the “Details” field to send your questions over. You may also email us directly at the addresses provided below.

Military Discount

We offer a 10% discount to all Active, Veterans and Retired Military. Include code MILITARY in the “Details” field when contacting us to Book.

On the Wind Aerial & On the Grass Photography

We thank you for your interest, and we'll be in touch within 1 business day.

Located in Aurora, IL | Covering the Chicagoland area | 630-542-2314 or | 630-536-6035